Friday, September 19, 2008

18 weeks

I am 18 weeks and feeling great. I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and was told they changed my pregnancy status to High Risk. I have to go visit a high rick specialist in a couple of weeks to have them check everything out. I also am going to be getting ultrasounds every month, and stress tests twice a week after 32 weeks. My doctor is taking really good care of me and the baby, it is just a lot to take in. Our health is more important so I am going to be slowing down on some of my commitments.

Here is my picture at 18 weeks.This was Justin's last week being home, he left yesterday to go back to Iraq and he will be back by Christmas. It was so good to see him, we are so proud of Justin and can't wait for him to come home again soon. We had a open house for him on Monday, here are a few pictures from the night. It was really good to see family and old friends.
This is my oldest friend in the world Rachel, I have known her since the day she was born. She is pregnant with her second child and due in early February. We are both having boys!! Below is Rachel's first sone Austin, isn't he a cutie!!
Justin and our little cousins Mallory and Sammy, they love Justin. He went and spoke at their school the last day he was here, they were so proud!
Carly and I, she was my next door neighbor and best friend growing up.
This weekend, I am enjoying the weekend with some girl friends. I am so excited to relax and hang out with the girls. Keep praying for us, my health and the babies, and Ron's sanity :)

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