Tuesday, September 8, 2009

13 weeks

I am officially 13 weeks pregnant and Isaac is a little over 7 months old. Wow how crazy our life has become. I had another ultrasound today and bebe #2 is doing great. Growth is right on and I have been gaining weight pretty steadily rather than loosing as I was at first. I was hoping to find out the sex but it was a little too early yet. Dr. said everything seems to be right on track so I don't have to see the high risk doctor again till October 23!

Our house has been pretty fun too, Isaac's first tooth came in yesterday, and he has been sitting up and playing on his own. It is so amazing to see how much he grows everyday. Ron and I just stare at him sometimes and say "He is sooo big". He really is looking like a little boy now and not a baby anymore. I don't know what happened!!He is also getting quite the personality. He cracks me up all the time.
This past weekend was fun, my brothers and future sister in laws all went to Chicago for the Labor Day weekend. Erica lives there and we visited her and spent time together. We had so much fun it was a perfect weekend. We did a lot of walking and saw a lot of different things. I love my family and it was such a great time just hanging out together. I wish Brian and Erica lived closer so we could see them all the time :(

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Isaac is going to be a big brother!!!!

Are you serious?, is probably the question you are asking yourself right now, and yes we are :) Ron, Isaac and I are expecting another little one! The due date is March 9, 2010, so Isaac and his little brother or sister will be about 13 months apart. I am 11 weeks right now, and feeling okay. I was doing really well nauseous wise up until this week, and now I have not been doing so well. My crohns doctor put me on steriods, so I am feeling better that way, but again I am going to be seeing the high risk doctors and having lots appointments to make sure this little one is okay. We are really excited, but nervous at the same time life is going to get even crazier around our house :) God has continued to bless us and pray that this pregnancy and baby well go great as well. Please keep our family in your prayers as we embark on this next journey.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wild West Vacation

We had a great time on vacation! We arrived in Denver and my aunt Ellen, cousin Shelly and Julie picked Ron, Isaac and I up. Isaac did amazing flying, he fell asleep every time when we got onto the runway. We drove from Denver to meet my parents in Riverton, from there my family went to Dubois which is the town where my parents met. We stayed with my Aunt Vivian, who is the women that brought my mom to the Lord. We stayed there for a couple days and did some sight seeing and hiking. It was so much fun to be in Dubois again and see people we haven't seen in a long time. It is also fun to go with my parents because they know all the off beaten path places that not many people get to see. From there we went to Jackson Hole and spent a night there, this is probably my favorite place on earth. The Grand Tetons are the most beautiful sights in the whole world, I could live there and look at them everyday. God's imagination is amazing! The next day we made our way up to Yellowstone where we met my Uncle Tom and Aunt Donna. We saw Old Faithful and any animal you could possibly want to see in the park, a bear, elk, moose, eagle, bison, and pronghorn. It was really cool to see all the wildlife and nature. We then went to Tom and Donna's house in Cameron, MT. We spent a couple days there sight seeing, seeing the houses they are building, fly fishing and of course a little shopping. That was our favorite part of the trip for sure. We left Tom and Donna's and went to Cody Wyoming where we were able to see a "real" wild west shoot out. We also stayed in the Irma hotel where Wild Bill would stay :) We then went to Doug and Ellen's for the next night, we went up to their cabin for dinner and to hangout. It was really nice to spend time with them and to relax. From there Ron, Isaac and I rented a car and made our way back down to Denver to head home the next day. We spent the night together as a family in Denver and had a great time. I am so happy we started this family tradition of summer vacations already, I know Isaac won't remember this trip but we had a great time with him and hope to continue to do this with our family as it grows.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life is Busy

Sorry for the delay since my last post, but life as all of you know is super busy. Since Isaac has been out of the hospital he has been doing so much better. We went to the doctors this last Friday and had x-rays don again to make sure the pneumonia was gone and it was! He was also weighed and now weighs 13lbs 12oz., he grew over a pound in two weeks so he jumped up on the growth scale which is awesome! We started him on rice cereal by spoon right after he got out of the hospital so I think that really helped. He also has been pushing himself up finally, and has rolled over a couple times, pretty sure it was on accident though :)We also had a lot of celebrations this weekend, my brother Justin turned 22 and his fiance Katie threw him a surprise birthday party. It was so much fun, he really hasn't been hom for his birthday since he was 17 so it was a big bash.It was also Fathers Day and Isaac was dedicated at our church as well on Sunday. Ron and wrote Isaac a letter to tell him how much we love him and why we chose to dedicate his life to the Lord.

Dear Isaac,
You are a precious gift from God, given to us to cherish and love. We have been praying for you since before we even knew you existed. We wanted to dedicate you to the Lord as a promise to God and our family and friends to care for you as if you were God’s child and as a promise to ourselves to model a Christian lifestyle for you. We desire to have God’s will carried out in your life and we know God has placed us as stewards of this special gift. We promise to teach you to live a holy life and value the good gifts God has given you. We promise to give you every opportunity and encourage you to be what God has called you to be. We want to be held accountable and hold you accountable in your spiritual growth. We promise to pray for you, read to you God’s word and instruct you in the ways of the Lord. We will delight in your accomplishments, share in your hurts and encourage you in every way as you grow into adulthood. We love you with all our hearts and can’t wait to watch you grow into an amazing young man. God has blessed us so much and we pray he continues to bestow those blessings onto you. Lord, we offer Isaac’s life to you and want your will and way for his life, and pray you give us wisdom in raising him to his fullest potential
Mommy and Daddy

We also had everyone over to our house, both mine and Ron's family. It was a great day, we are pretty lucky to have such amazing families :) Ron had a great first Fathers Day too, his son was dedicated and he got to spend time with the people he loves.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Isaac had pneumonia

So, Friday I started noticing that Isaac didn't look like he was feeling very good. He had eye boogers(not technical term :)) all day, he started coughing and he felt warm to me. So, I called the doctor on Friday afternoon and got him in so that I could have him checked out before the weekend. He had a temp of 100.3F and he had chest X-rays done. His doctor said the X-rays were fine and that he probably had a virus. So she gave me a prescription for his eyes and told me to spray saline in his nose and keep it cleaned out and to watch his temp. If his temp went over 100.4 he would have to come back in on Monday. He didn't sleep very well on Friday night and woke up Saturday looking worse to me. I kept taking his temp every 2 hours and it kept going up. I called the after hours nurse and she told me usually at 4 months you wait to go to the doctor till their temp is 105F!! I told her he was only 12 lbs, and she said bring him to the urgent care if I thought it would be best. So, being the overprotective mom that I am, my mom and I took him to the ER at Metro. They checked him out in the ER and his temp had gone up over 102F, and they did chest X-rays again and fluid had started to enter his lungs. They diagnosed him with pneumonia and said he needed to be admitted to the hospital. They put an IV in his arm, which took an hour and a half to find a good vein because he was dehydrated and gave him oxygen. We spent 2 nights at the hospital and came home yesterday. He is doing really good now, he is still on antibiotics for his cough, but everything else seems to be fine. I know a lot of people were praying for him, so thank you for your prayers and keep praying he heals completely

Friday, May 29, 2009

4 months old!

Isaac turned 4 months old yesterday! I can't believe how time has flown, these have been the best 4 months of my life. I will probably tell you this everymonth and year from now on :) Isaac changes so much everyday it is unbelievable, he is "talking" all the time, it is so cute. He is rolling back and forth, pretty soon he is going to roll over and not know what to do with himself :) We have his 4 month appointment next week Thursday, so we will be able to find out how much he weighs and how long he is. He just started wearing 3-6 months clothes and he looks like he is almost growing out of them already!!!Ron and I had our 2 year wedding anniversary on May 11, so he planned a weekend away for us to Detroit. We went to two tigers games on Friday and Saturday night and stayed at the Greek Town Casino hotel. It was our first weekend away from Isaac, my parents watched him and we had an amazing time! I am so blessed with a wonderful husband, he is my best friend and we love hanging out together. Also, more exciting news...my baby brother Justin proposed to his girlfriend Katie. So I am going to have another sister!! We are so excited for them, they are a great couple and we are so excited to welcome Katie into our family. She is a beautiful person and Justin is a pretty lucky guy :) So we will be having a wedding coming up this winter, and Ron and I are the master and mistress of ceremony. We are really excited!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My First Mothers Day

My first Mothers Day was Sunday, I had the best day! Ron and Isaac bought me this beautiful tree, a purple prince crab apple tree and a couple blue pots for our front porch. We don't have any plants for our yard yet since we have a new house, so these are a great start! We went to church and then to my parents for lunch, my whole family was there and Ron's parents and brother Kevin was there as well. We had a great meal and had fun spending time together. It was really cool to be able to celebrate being a mother with my mom, I love the relationship that we have and I hope to have that with my children as well. Being a mother has really helped me to appreciate the things my parents have done for our family. I am truly blessed with my family growing up and my own little family now :)
Also it was Ron and my 2 year wedding anniversary on Monday! I can't believe it has been two years already. God has really blessed us in these last 2 years, we have a beautiful home and a beautiful baby boy. I am in love with the most amazing man in the world, he treats me amazing and is the best husband and father I could ever ask for. I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together. I am also really excited, Ron bought me some beautiful earrings and has planned a weekend away for the two of us. We are going to Detroit for the weekend to see a couple of Tigers games and we are staying at the Greektown casino. My parents are watching Isaac so please pray it goes well :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

3 Months Old!!

I can't believe Isaac is three months old already, and I have to go back to work next week. These have been the most amazing three months, I can't tell you how much I love being a mom and I have the most amazing husband and baby in the world. Being a mom has changed my life so much, all in good ways of course. One of the coolest things is how much closer my mom and I have gotten. I think we talk almost everyday, and I feel so blessed to have her by my side. Ron and I have gotten so much support from our families, we don't know what we would do without them. Isaac is pretty lucky to have such amazing grandparents, and aunts and uncles. One being his aunt Emily, who is going to take care of him for three days a week while I go back to work. This means so much to Ron and I, and it is making it a lot easier for me to go back to work. The other two days I will be working from home which works out perfectly. Thanks Em!!!

Isaac turned 12 weeks this last week, we decided to take him to Frederick Meijer Gardens for our first real family outing. I know we really didn't get to experience much, mostly because he slept pretty much the whole time, but it was really cool. We got to see all the butterflies and walk around outside in the sculpture and childrens park. We will have to go again next year, I think he will enjoy it a lot more :)
We though this looked like a Kodah sculpture :)Isaac and I are standing under the horse, can you see us??

Here are a few other cute recent pictures :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter, we spent the day with my family and a few friends. It was a beautiful day, here are a few pictures.