Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Isaac had pneumonia

So, Friday I started noticing that Isaac didn't look like he was feeling very good. He had eye boogers(not technical term :)) all day, he started coughing and he felt warm to me. So, I called the doctor on Friday afternoon and got him in so that I could have him checked out before the weekend. He had a temp of 100.3F and he had chest X-rays done. His doctor said the X-rays were fine and that he probably had a virus. So she gave me a prescription for his eyes and told me to spray saline in his nose and keep it cleaned out and to watch his temp. If his temp went over 100.4 he would have to come back in on Monday. He didn't sleep very well on Friday night and woke up Saturday looking worse to me. I kept taking his temp every 2 hours and it kept going up. I called the after hours nurse and she told me usually at 4 months you wait to go to the doctor till their temp is 105F!! I told her he was only 12 lbs, and she said bring him to the urgent care if I thought it would be best. So, being the overprotective mom that I am, my mom and I took him to the ER at Metro. They checked him out in the ER and his temp had gone up over 102F, and they did chest X-rays again and fluid had started to enter his lungs. They diagnosed him with pneumonia and said he needed to be admitted to the hospital. They put an IV in his arm, which took an hour and a half to find a good vein because he was dehydrated and gave him oxygen. We spent 2 nights at the hospital and came home yesterday. He is doing really good now, he is still on antibiotics for his cough, but everything else seems to be fine. I know a lot of people were praying for him, so thank you for your prayers and keep praying he heals completely

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi, I just read this posting. I hope Isaac is doing much better now! How scary that must have been-way to trust your instincts! He is so cute and getting so big. Glad to hear he is doing better.
Kate Avink