Friday, May 29, 2009

4 months old!

Isaac turned 4 months old yesterday! I can't believe how time has flown, these have been the best 4 months of my life. I will probably tell you this everymonth and year from now on :) Isaac changes so much everyday it is unbelievable, he is "talking" all the time, it is so cute. He is rolling back and forth, pretty soon he is going to roll over and not know what to do with himself :) We have his 4 month appointment next week Thursday, so we will be able to find out how much he weighs and how long he is. He just started wearing 3-6 months clothes and he looks like he is almost growing out of them already!!!Ron and I had our 2 year wedding anniversary on May 11, so he planned a weekend away for us to Detroit. We went to two tigers games on Friday and Saturday night and stayed at the Greek Town Casino hotel. It was our first weekend away from Isaac, my parents watched him and we had an amazing time! I am so blessed with a wonderful husband, he is my best friend and we love hanging out together. Also, more exciting baby brother Justin proposed to his girlfriend Katie. So I am going to have another sister!! We are so excited for them, they are a great couple and we are so excited to welcome Katie into our family. She is a beautiful person and Justin is a pretty lucky guy :) So we will be having a wedding coming up this winter, and Ron and I are the master and mistress of ceremony. We are really excited!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My First Mothers Day

My first Mothers Day was Sunday, I had the best day! Ron and Isaac bought me this beautiful tree, a purple prince crab apple tree and a couple blue pots for our front porch. We don't have any plants for our yard yet since we have a new house, so these are a great start! We went to church and then to my parents for lunch, my whole family was there and Ron's parents and brother Kevin was there as well. We had a great meal and had fun spending time together. It was really cool to be able to celebrate being a mother with my mom, I love the relationship that we have and I hope to have that with my children as well. Being a mother has really helped me to appreciate the things my parents have done for our family. I am truly blessed with my family growing up and my own little family now :)
Also it was Ron and my 2 year wedding anniversary on Monday! I can't believe it has been two years already. God has really blessed us in these last 2 years, we have a beautiful home and a beautiful baby boy. I am in love with the most amazing man in the world, he treats me amazing and is the best husband and father I could ever ask for. I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together. I am also really excited, Ron bought me some beautiful earrings and has planned a weekend away for the two of us. We are going to Detroit for the weekend to see a couple of Tigers games and we are staying at the Greektown casino. My parents are watching Isaac so please pray it goes well :)