Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dr Appointment

Ron and I went to my High risk doctors appointment yesterday. I had an ultrasound and then met with the specialist. Everything went really well! The doctor said I am right on track for everything. Also, our little guy is growing perfectly too! They did a lot of measurements and everything was normal for being 19 weeks. The doctor said as long as I wasn't having any flare ups with my crohns we should be able to do everything normally, which hopefully means no C section. I have another appointment with them in 8 weeks just to make sure we are doing good. I can continue to see my normal OB doctor and she is still going to keep an extra eye on me. I felt a lot better after yesterday's appointment, they are just trying to be cautious. Thanks for all your prayers, keep them coming!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 19

Here I am at 19 weeks. This was a fun week as far as the baby goes, I felt him kick for the first time!! It was the coolest thing. Thursday night I sat and relaxed all night, I had been feeling good all day and as I was sitting there watching t.v. I kept feeling butterflies in my stomach. After a while it clicked, it was the baby kicking. So now that I know what it is I feel the little guy kicking all the time. I love the feeling, it makes me feel good to know that he is moving around in there.

Ron and I have been pretty busy as usual, we had bachelorette and bachelor parties for our friends Josh and Lauren last weekend. I had a girls weekend, I hung out at my friend Sara's and Kodah came along to play with her dog Zoey. As you can see they hd a blast together. I had to video tape the two of them they were so funny. Thanks for a fun weekend Sara and Courtney!!We also had our niece Paiges 2nd birthday party. Here are a couple fun pictures from the weekend.

Me and the bride to be, isn't she beautiful. I can't wait for there big day!!

Paige turns 2!!!

This Saturday I went to watch my niece Morgan cheer, she was so cute and did great especially since it was so hot!!Here is whats going on with the baby this week

Week 19: Your baby's sensory development is exploding! His brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that he may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to him, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato. His arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of his body now. His kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

Friday, September 19, 2008

18 weeks

I am 18 weeks and feeling great. I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and was told they changed my pregnancy status to High Risk. I have to go visit a high rick specialist in a couple of weeks to have them check everything out. I also am going to be getting ultrasounds every month, and stress tests twice a week after 32 weeks. My doctor is taking really good care of me and the baby, it is just a lot to take in. Our health is more important so I am going to be slowing down on some of my commitments.

Here is my picture at 18 weeks.This was Justin's last week being home, he left yesterday to go back to Iraq and he will be back by Christmas. It was so good to see him, we are so proud of Justin and can't wait for him to come home again soon. We had a open house for him on Monday, here are a few pictures from the night. It was really good to see family and old friends.
This is my oldest friend in the world Rachel, I have known her since the day she was born. She is pregnant with her second child and due in early February. We are both having boys!! Below is Rachel's first sone Austin, isn't he a cutie!!
Justin and our little cousins Mallory and Sammy, they love Justin. He went and spoke at their school the last day he was here, they were so proud!
Carly and I, she was my next door neighbor and best friend growing up.
This weekend, I am enjoying the weekend with some girl friends. I am so excited to relax and hang out with the girls. Keep praying for us, my health and the babies, and Ron's sanity :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

17 weeks

Here I am at 17 weeks, and as you can see I got a new haircut! I really love it, Emily my sister in law does my hair and I love my new cut. It is so easy, and fun to do.
We have had a great week, my brother Justin is home so we have been spending a lot of time with family. Justin and my family came over for dinner, and Justin was able to see our house for the first time. I was really excited that he could come over and see it. We also went to a nice dinner at Blue Water Grill and enjoyed the night with family. They gave us free dessert in honor of Justin being home and serving. It was really cool, and delicious!
The weather has been so nice this week despite the rain, I love this time of year. I am a jeans and sweater, sweatshirt kind of girl. Ron was wearing a hoodie this week and apparently thought Kodah looked cold and she needed to wear it. Here are some of my favorite pictures.Here is whats going on with the baby this week.

Week 17:

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — his lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now about as much as a turnip, and he's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. He can move his joints, and his sweat glands are starting to develop.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Nursery

So, We finally decided what we want to do for the nursery. I always knew I wanted to do a monkey theme whether it was a boy or a girl, but I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. I found this bedding by Cocalo Couture called Bali that I love. It is a safari theme, with blues greens and browns and I will be adding the monkeys to the mix. Isn't it cute!! I can't wait to work on it! Our awesome brother and sister in law Bryan and Emily gave us their crib and changing table. So, we are sanding it down and recovering it probably in a darker color.
Now we are looking for a dresser, bassenet and glider, so I can rock him to sleep at night :) Those are our only big things for the nursery, so if you see any good sales let us know!

Here are some of the fun accessories, and the monkey wall sticker I want to put up. Hope you like it, let me know what you think!

Monday, September 8, 2008

16 weeks! IT"S A BOY!

Well, we had our ultrasound on Wednesday, and it was AMAZING! We were able to see our little one for the first time. Ron and I were so excited, they asked us if we wanted to find out the sex and we said yeah, if we can. We thought we were at 14 weeks and didn't know if we could find out yet. The ultrasound technician said it shouldn't be a problem and found his little boy parts right away. They also did 3-D images which was so cool, technology is amazing! The ultrasound made it so real, it was the coolest thing to see him moving around and even drinking. Ron is already a proud father showing everyone the pictures of his son, it is so cute :) They also found out by doing measurements that I am actually 16 weeks along rather than 14, my new due date is February 19, 2009. I knew I was farther along than what they said! Maybe it will be a Valentines baby :)

Here is my latest baby bump picture.I feel like I am getting huge now, I think I might have to buy maternity pants soon :)

Life for the baby:16 Weeks

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he is about the size of an avacodo: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.

We had an exiting week last week, we found out we were having a boy, and my brother Justin came home for leave from Iraq! We are so excited to have him home for a couple of weeks, we all missed him a ton. I was able to go to the airport on Friday and pick him up and spend the rest of the day with him. He looks great, and we are so proud of him!

Ron and I also went to a wedding this Saturday, two of our good friends Matt and Angie got married. We had a great time, the wedding was beautiful.
Our next doctors appointment is on September 18, so please continue to pray for us and little "Timmy" as my mom calls him.